Join us for an engaging afternoon with historians from York University in Toronto, Boyd Cothran and Adrian Schubert, as they introduce their latest book, ‘The Edwin Fox’. The book delves into the unique role of Edwin Fox and how an ordinary sailing ship connected the world in the age of globalisation from 1850-1914. This event will feature a book reading, Q&A session with the audience, and a book signing.
The Edwin Fox – Author Talk
Boyd Cothran
Boyd Cothran is an associate professor of U.S History in the Department of History at York University. He is also the author of Remembering the Modoc War: Redemptive Violence and the Making of American Innocence (University of North Carolina Press, 2014), which received the 2015 Robert M. Utley Prize for the best book in military history from the Western History Association. He has also co-edited two volumes of global history, Women Warriors and National Heroes: Global Histories (Bloomsbury, 2020) and Bridging Cultural Concepts of Nature: Indigenous People and Protect Spaces of Nature (University of Helsinki Press, 2021).

Adrian Shubert
Adrian Shubert is University Professor Emeritus in the Department of History at York University. An historian of Spain in the eighteenth through twentieth centuries, his articles and books have been published in both English and Spanish. His most recent book is The Sword of Luchana: Baldomero Espartero and the Making of Modern Spain (2021). He is also director of the Virtual Museum of the Spanish Civil War. He has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and twice decorated by the king of Spain for his contributions to Spanish culture.