Join expert photographer Raymond Sagapolutele in this full-day workshop at New Zealand Maritime Museum. Included in the workshop is a guided tour of A Year In Aotearoa: New Zealand Geographic Photographer of the Year Exhibition and a chance to photograph the stunning Waitematā harbour from the Maritime Museum’s heritage vessel, Ted Ashby.
Auckland in-frame
Workshop info
Raymond is an Aotearoa-born Sāmoan artist (Masters in Visual Arts, first-class honours, AUT) with family ties to the villages of Fatuvalu in Savai'i and Saluafata in Upolu, Samoa. He has worked with editorial publications Back to Basics and Rip It Up as a staff photographer as well as submissions to the NZ Herald and Metro Magazine. And has exhibited images in a range of group and solo exhibitions both locally and internationally.
Raymond’s particular love and speciality includes documentary street photography and he is part of the graffiti creative collective known as TMD. He is also a founding member of the ManaRewa art collective based at Nathan Homestead in Manurewa and helps to tutor and support the local arts community.
For Sagapolutele the camera has become a vital part of his ability to reconnect his art to his heritage The camera is how his visual language is given a voice, the method that forms his oratory and connects to the cherished and old Samoan tradition of Fagogo (storytelling).
- DSLR or mirrorless camera (you are welcome to bring a variety of lenses as well)
- Some knowledge of your camera
- Memory card/s
- Fully charged battery/ies
- Wear comfortable shoes and clothing, keeping in mind we might be sailing/ outdoors (eg sneakers, wind jacket, snug hat).
- Lunch and water bottle (note: tea/coffee provided)
Throughout the day there will be walking, and movement involved in this workshop, as well as holding the camera to photograph.
Please contact us if you have any questions around accessibility to our museum for this workshop or to advise us of your needs. In terms of the sailing component, non-motorised wheelchairs are permitted on board TED ASHBY.
9:30 Arrival/check in/settle. The workshop will be based in our learning space – you will be guided to the space upon arrival and check in.
10:00 Introductions
10:15 Understanding your camera – this session will focus less on the technical aspects and more on how to use your camera (and the environment around you) to get the photograph you want
11:00 Break (tea/coffee provided)
1:15 How to approach different subjects – whether you’re shooting a social occasion, nature, action or urban scapes, we will explore various styles and their approaches. We will also explore how to experiment and to get out of your comfort zone whilst photographing.
12:15 Lunch (BYO)
1:00 for 1:30pm sailing – 1st practical photographic component. Take your morning learnings and musings for a test run on our heritage vessel TED ASHBY.
Please note: Sailing is dependent on the weather and a decision is made on the day. If we cannot sail (this may also be due to Covid 19 alert levels), we will do a photography walk along our waterfront from the museum toward Silo Park and back.
2:30 Photo review – share your images and your experience of photographing on board a vessel on the Waitematā harbour.
3:15-4pm Gallery walks – 2nd practical photographic component. A tour of the Maritime Museum’s exhibition, A Year In Aotearoa: New Zealand Geographic Photographer of the Year Exhibition discussing, critiquing, sharing thoughts about the photographs on display.
4pm End of workshop.
COVID-19 Measures
Hand sanitiser is available throughout the Museum. We ask that you sign in with the COVID-19 app when you arrive on-site, as well as maintain physical distancing during your visit.
Photographer of the year exhibition
Witness the wonder of Aotearoa New Zealand in this raw and unfiltered photographic exhibition featuring images from the New Zealand Geographic Photographer of the Year 2020 Competition.