Nineteenth-century ship captains were extraordinary seafarers, navigating the treacherous waters of Aotearoa New Zealand. But did you know that many of them might also be considered renaissance men? They were explorers rubbing shoulders with VIPs, accessing places few others were able to visit and amassing fascinating collections of flora, fauna and geological samples.

Join Otago Museum's Honorary Curator History of Science, Rosi Crane, as she shares some of her extensive research into these collecting captains. This will be followed by a walking tour through Captains, Collectors, Friends & Adventurers hosted by our own Curator, Jaqui Knowles and avid maritime collector, Godfrey Reid. 

About Rosi Crane

Rosi Crane is the Honorary Curator History of Science at Otago Museum. Her largely biographical research extends to specimens acquired for the museum as well as the people involved. Rosi has published several research papers and, continuing in the tradition of museum work, also articles for non-specialist audiences. More broadly, Rosi is interested in the interrelationships between colonial science, culture and art, particularly as they played out in the late-nineteenth century worldwide phenomena of museum building. She is currently working on a book-length history of the early years of Otago Museum.

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