The Percy Vos shed is a marker of a historic moment in time and has recently been restored as a both a working wooden boat shed and a celebration of Auckland’s seafaring history.

We are opening the doors to the shed from 10am-1pm this weekend and invite you to step inside to learn about the history of Percy Vos and the shed’s role in the preserving traditional boatbuilding skills for the future.



About Percy Vos boat shed

The name ‘Percy Vos’ is synonymous with skill, craftsmanship and innovative boat design. Many of Aotearoa’s finest vessels were built there; the last place in the country to build wooden boats. Following a major two-year restoration project, the boatbuilding shed is now under the care of the New Zealand Maritime Museum. Come and hear about Percy Vos the man and his shed, what it takes to preserve a heritage building and its future role in preserving the craftmanship of wooden boatbuilding.


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