As a small institution that has recently run a successful Digitisation Project, we believe there is great value in sharing what we have learnt. As part of that sharing, we are publishing our scanning, lighting and studio setup guides. These were created as internal documents to help with consistency and ensure continuity when photographing and scanning our collection. We wrote them with the intention that a Collection Manager/Technician could use them at any time to do a setup without having to be an expert photographer.

These guides are simple, briefly written and hopefully easy to follow and understand. They do require a certain base level of knowledge but google should be able to answer any questions. We hope they are also easy to translate if needed.

Remember they are only a guide, your exact situation will be different, so adjust and adapt them as you see fit. You are welcome to share them, keep a copy, adjust and change them as best works for you. We use Canon Cameras and Broncolor lights, but the setups can be applied to any equipment, including constant lights instead of flash.

All the best on your digitisation journey we look forward to seeing what you do!

Digitisation Resources

Behind the scenes with our Digitisation team

NZMM Digitisation Project