Join us for an inspiring evening featuring three dedicated conservationists committed to protecting Aotearoa's seabirds. Explore the challenges our seabirds face and learn about the work being done to save them.
Sentinel Speaker Talks
Seabird Survival: Safeguarding the future of Auckland’s seabirds
Wednesday 23 Oct, 6pm - 7pm | Free, bookings are required
Join our three seabird experts as they share their vital work in bird conservation and the efforts being undertaken to ensure these species thrive.

About the speakers
Gaia Dell’Arricia, a Senior Scientist involved in Auckland Council’s long-term seabird monitoring project, will provide insights into the current status of Auckland's seabirds and the initiatives designed to support their survival.
Her colleague, Maira Fessardi, focuses on studying thriving seabird species to help protect endangered ones. She will discuss the role of seabirds as indicators of environmental health and the valuable information that can be gleaned from their feathers.
Natalie Forsdick, a genomics researcher at Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, will highlight the challenges faced by the critically endangered Kuaka Whenua Hou / Whenua Hou diving petrel. She will explore the impacts of climate change, small population sizes, and hybridisation with common diving petrels, along with the genomic methods being used to aid in their conservation.